At the end of my previous post (“Recession and Missionary Service”), I set an agenda for developing a supply function for missionaries. I say supply function, but a supply function for labor involves a wage. The earthly wage is negative, and the eternal wage is…difficult to quantify. One point of the agenda was to find a demographic variable that would track “potential” missionaries. I would have preferred the number of 19 year-olds by year, but I ended up with seminary enrollment. It seems to do the job. As I have done in previous posts, I report the data in two graphs which divide the time period spanning 1928 and 2010. The number of missionaries set apart by year is shown as a blue and red line, the blue representing periods of peace, and the red, war. The green line represents the number of students enrolled in seminary divided by 10. I made the mathematical adjustment to highlight how the two lines moved together. Between 1928 and 1960, when the minimum missionary age was set at 21 for young men and 23 for young women, the seminary variable was lagged two years. When the age requirement was reduced in 1960, the lag was changed to one year. That produced an extra year of seminary students and that year was divided between 1960, 1961 and 1962. Recessions are shown as gray rectangles.

The first graph, “Missionaries Set Apart, War, Recession and Demographics: 1929-1961,” visible shows the correlation between the number of missionaries set apart and the number of seminary students the population from which many missionaries come. The impact of the Great Depression (1929-1933) is clearly visible as the number of seminary students rise but the number of missionaries fall as is the impact of both WWII and the Korean War. The dramatic increase in missionary numbers from 1953 to 1954 was due to the institution of a quota system that allowed one missionary per ward to serve a mission prior, postponing eligibility for the draft. The last notable event was the policy change announced on July 21, 1960 that reduced the age of missionary service. This new policy significantly increased the number of missionary serving by increasing the number of young men and women available.