The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reports convert baptism for the world (April Conference Statistical Reports), but does not break down the numbers by smaller geographic units like countries, states, missions or stakes. The researcher in me recoils at this lack of data but the member in me rejoices at the frugality in the expenditure of tithes. Building on prior work, I use demographic data by country to break down the increase in membership by country into convert baptisms, member of record baptisms and deaths.
The Church also reports membership by country on an annual basis at the Church
Newsroom. I used that data to calculate the change in membership from 2011 to 2013. This is the second piece of the puzzle. The change in membership is equal to child of record baptisms plus convert baptisms less deaths and excommunications. I used demographic data from the CountryData function of Wolfram’s Mathematica program to estimate proxies for child or record baptisms and deaths. Excommunications are reported to be a small percentage of the change in membership and, because I could not devise a proxy, I assumed them to be zero. This will create a slight downward bias in my estimate of child or record births and convert baptisms.
I estimated child baptisms by multiplying the birth rate by the church membership for each country. Not all children born into the Church will be baptized. I multiplied the Seminary enrollment rates reported in “
Seminary Activity Rates by Country,” to reduce the births to Church members to an estimate of the number of births that were baptized as members. This number is likely to be a lower bound as death and inactivity grow as members age; initial estimates of child or record baptisms will be too low and convert baptisms, too high. To summarize, child of record baptisms are estimated multiplying membership by both the birth rate and the Seminary enrollment rate. Deaths were easier to estimate. I multiplied church membership by the death rate.
With the change in membership, child of record baptisms and deaths in hand, I estimated convert baptisms by country. I then summed my estimate of convert baptisms and found that they exceeded actual convert baptisms. I then multiplied convert baptisms for each country by a factor of .79114 to produce an estimate of convert baptisms by country that summed to the correct number. This implies that the number of child of record baptisms or deaths by country was too low. Using my estimates of convert baptisms, I made a second estimate of child of record baptism by country by multiplying the original estimate until the new estimate plus the estimate of convert baptisms less deaths summed to the correct worldwide total. The estimates are presented in the table in the second portion of the post.